Local Ecosystem Assessment of the Higher and Middle Chirripó River Sub-basins, Cabécar Indigenous Territory, Costa Rica.
Evaluación del Ecosistema Local de la Sub-Cuenca del Río Chirripó Alto y Medio. Territorio Indígena Cabécar de Chirripó, Costa Rica
Geographical coverage
Geographical scale of the assessment | Single site |
Country or countries covered | Costa Rica |
Any other necessary information or explanation for identifying the location of the assessment, including site or region name |
The Cabécars are the indigenous ethnic group who lives in Bajo Chirripó. Among the cultural heriachy of the indigenous of Costa Rica, the Cabécars have always occupied the position of the most spiritual people and the greatest protectors of wisdom. Bajo Chirripó is populated by around 700 people. It's area is around 19,620 Ha, of wich approximately 92.68% is forest. |
Geographical scale of the assessment
Single site
Country or countries covered
Costa Rica
Any other necessary information or explanation for identifying the location of the assessment, including site or region name
The Cabécars are the indigenous ethnic group who lives in Bajo Chirripó. Among the cultural heriachy of the indigenous of Costa Rica, the Cabécars have always occupied the position of the most spiritual people and the greatest protectors of wisdom. Bajo Chirripó is populated by around 700 people. It's area is around 19,620 Ha, of wich approximately 92.68% is forest.
Geographic Location: 9° 48'50" Latitude North, 9° 59'20" Longitude West.
Conceptual framework, methodology and scope
Assessment objectives
To contribute to conceptual and methodological MA project, in terms of local ecosystem investigations, developing an evaluation of the middle and lower basin of the Rio Chirripó; an enrichment of the notion of goods and services and human well-being from the Cabécar reality and cosmovision.
To contribute to the achievement of autochthonous territorial management, which would permit cultural development and human well-being through an evaluation with the support of an interdisciplinary team.
Using traditional knowledge and information about the territory, also considering socio-cultural aspects, scenarios, responses, driving forces, goods, and services.
Improve of autonomy and food security.
To create a programme of Ecosystems restoration in the community.
Strengthening Siwa (traditional) knowledge at an inter-generational level.
Involve local and national government, stakeholders and other institutions to work with the community, in the future projects that may involve them.
Mandate for the assessment
To assess the consequences of ecosystem change for human well-being, involving the indigenous people as a part of the ecosystem. Restore the relationship concept between ecosystems and human well-being from the indigenous cosmovision.
Conceptual framework and/or methodology used for the assessment
Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (MA)
URL or copy of conceptual framework developed or adapted
System(s) assessed
- Inland water
- Forest and woodland
- Cultivated/Agricultural land
- Mountain
- Urban
Species groups assessed
Ecosystem services/functions assessed
- Food
- Water
- Timber/fibres
- Genetic resources
- Medicinal resources
- Ornamental resources
- Energy/fuel
- Raw materials
- Air quality
- Climate regulation
- Moderation of extreme events
- Regulation of water flows
- Regulation of water quality
- Erosion prevention
- Pollination
- Biological control
- Food security
Supporting Services/Functions
- Nutrient cycling
- Soil formation and fertility
- Primary production
- Life cycle maintenance
- Maintenance of genetic diversity
Cultural Services
- Recreation and tourism
- Inspiration for culture
- Art and design
- Spiritual experience
- Health
- Aesthetic Enjoyment
- Maintenance of traditional knowledge
Scope of assessment includes
Drivers of change in systems and services
Impacts of change in services on human well-being
Options for responding/interventions to the trends observed
Explicit consideration of the role of biodiversity in the systems and services covered by the assessment
Timing of the assessment
Year assessment started
Year assessment finished
If ongoing, year assessment is anticipated to finish
Periodicity of assessment
If repeated, how frequently
We work by Stages. Actually, we are starting the third and final stage.
Assessment outputs
Communication materials (e.g. brochure, presentations, posters, audio-visual media)
Journal publications
Training materials
Other documents/outputs
The Cabécar Agro-ecosystem (Spanish)
Tools and processes
Tools and approaches used in the assessment
- Indicators
- Scenarios
- Social (non-monetary) valuation
- Ecosystem mapping
- Stakeholder consultations
- Response options
- Cultural valuation
Process used for stakeholder engagement in the assessment process and which component
We work developing an information system matrices and charts to collect opinions and general information; interviewing, making analysis of stories and legends, participative construction of local maps, applying scenarios methodology. All this work was conducted according the concept of Siwá House.
Key stakeholder groups engaged
The cabécars are organized in matrilineal clans, and they also have Jawás who are older people with great knowledge of traditional medicine. So, we started at first, working and involving this local leaders.
The number of people directly involved in the assessment process
Incorporation of scientific and other types of knowledge
- Scientific information only
- Resource experts (e.g. foresters etc)
- Traditional/local knowledge
Supporting documentation for specific approaches, methodology or criteria developed and/or used to integrate knowledge systems into the assessment
Assessment reports peer reviewed
Accessibility of data used in assessment
Policy impact
Impacts the assessment has had on policy and/or decision making, as evidenced through policy references and actions
Independent or other review on policy impact of the assessment
Lessons learnt for future assessments from these reviews
Emphasize the importance of doing a local assesment, involving people as part of the ecosystem from the beginning and not as agents of change, taking into account socio-economic and cultural aspects.
Capacity building
Capacity building needs identified during the assessment
We identified the lack of total understood of the MA methodology, specially in scenario building. Maybe we need more workshop to generate an accurate information.
Actions taken by the assessment to build capacity
Fellowships/exchanges/secondments/mentoring programmes, Network and sharing experiences, Access to funding, Sharing of data/repatriation of data, Workshops, Developing/promoting and providing access to support tools, Formal training, Communication and awareness raising
How have gaps in capacity been communicated to the different stakeholders
Knowledge generation
Gaps in knowledge identified from the assessment
There is a general lack of scientific information in indigenous communities, specially on the GIS area and climate change.